Orphan Risks
Risk LandscapeThe metaphor of a risk landscape is a powerful one, as it captures the idea of having to navigate around the risks and pitfalls between where you currently are as an enterprise, and where you hope to be in the future. It also opens the door to beginning to think about the interplay between different groups, individuals, and organizations that make up this landscape. With the combination of emerging technological capabilities, evolving social norms, and a shifting dynamic around organizational systems, getting to grips with orphan risks has never been more important for enterprises.
Risk innovation thinking helps make sense of what is inevitably a complex, shifting, and intertwined landscape, beginning to understand what risks might otherwise blindside an enterprise, and how to navigate them.
The risk landscape consists of 18 orphan risk dimensions falling into 3 larger categories, or risk domains. Our Risk Innovation Strategy tool will take entrepreneurs and startups through the process of creating your own, personalized risk landscape so that you can begin to navigate your way forward, exploiting the risks to create opportunities for success along the way.

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