Risk Innovation MindsetThe Risk Innovation Nexus provides enterprises with tools that build awareness, agility, and resilience to orphan risks, helping you to develop a Risk Innovation Mindset. This willingness to act and think differently on risk is at the heart of risk innovation. Before any decisions, any plans, it is an openness to exploring how to create value through approaching risk—orphan risks in particular—with an entrepreneurial mindset. And not only value for the enterprise, but value for those that are touched by it.
We are excited to work with entrepreneurs and startups to nurture a risk innovation perspective—the unique ability to navigate a complex risk landscape with relatively little up-front investment—incorporating our services and tools to supplement and support your success.
Further Information
“Thinking Innovatively about the Risks of Tech Innovation”
Andrew Maynard, The Conversation, January 2016
“Why we need Risk Innovation”
Andrew Maynard (2015) Nature Nanotechnology 10, pages 730–731
“It’s time for tech startups and their funders to take “orphan risks” seriously”
Andrew Maynard (Dec 2, 2018) Medium

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