No-Pain Meat
A hypothetical risk scenario3D Printed protein that looks, feels, and tastes like it came from an animal
You are the Chief Scientist for a new company called “No-Pain Meat” that is using a technology to produce 3D printed meat products that was initially developed for organ replacement bioprinting. Using cultured cells, your technology can bioprint protein that looks, feels, and tastes like a cut of meat from an animal after it has been allowed to mature for between 5 – 10 days. While expensive, your products have a substantially lower environmental footprint compared to conventional farming, involve less waste, and do not involve slaughtering any animals. You also claim that they are less susceptible to microbial contamination compared to traditional meat products.
No-Pain Meat is based on a mission and values statement that emphasizes environmental sustainability and a future free from using animals for food. The company is committed to using the latest science to improve lives and the environment. This is reflected in part in a policy of only accepting funding from investors with a similar value-set, and in supporting charitable causes that are aligned with the company values.
Critical Risk Dimensions
- Perception
- Social Justice & Equity
- Social Trends
- Worldview
- Health & Environment
- Product Lifecycle
- Governance & Regulation
- Organizational Values & Culture
- Reputation & Trust
- Standards
Additional Resources
Download No-Pain Meat
Click to download.
Key questions for identifying orphan risks
In what ways might consumer perceptions affect the success of your product, especially in the use of a technology designed to print human organs?
What are the potential environmental impacts of the process you use?
How might your process lead to adverse health and environmental impacts across the product life cycle, from feedstock through to consumption and waste disposal?
In what ways could disconnects between organizational values and practices/ behavior undermine success?
How could emerging norms and standards around product labeling and use of the term “meat” affect your business?

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