Risk Innovation Nexus

Connecting ethical and responsible innovation with value growth

It’s time to think differently about risk

In order to successfully navigate a risk landscape that’s being warped and modified by radical new technologies, innovative ideas, and shifting social norms, entrepreneurs need to be equally innovative in how they think about and act on risk.

The Challenge

As an innovator and entrepreneur, you are no stranger to risk. And yet, there is a growing chasm between conventional risk management and the types of risks that defy convention. These risks involve the often-complex dynamic between emerging technologies and society, and are increasingly likely to blindside enterprises just like yours.

What we can do for you

We explore the complex ways in which technological risks, social risks and organizational risks intertwine. We approach these risks as a threat to that which holds the most value to your enterprise, your stakeholders, and your success.

The Risk Innovation Nexus draws on the resources of Arizona State University to offer a growing array of services, tools, and methods designed to increase the chances of success within startups and other entrepreneurial-driven enterprises. We are confident that even a relatively small investment up-front in thinking about and planning for orphan  risks can pay substantial dividends downstream; to the extent that early attention to risk innovation can potentially provide enterprises with a substantial competitive advantage.

The Risk Innovation Approach

Risk as a threat to value

Orphan risks

The risk landscape

© 2020 Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of Arizona State University